December fund raisers

This year, we have a $1,000 Holiday fund fund raising goal. That would let us either help a few more families or provide a little more to what we normally do. We know it’s not a lot but we hope it’s enough to help just that little bit more.

It’s been a long tradition of our school to hold a fund raiser for families of our school that may need a little extra for the holiday season. How can this be a long tradition for a brand new school, you ask? Well, this tradition predates the Mountain View School’s formation and stretches back to our charter school days.

Every holiday season, the PSA has raised money from the community to provide just a little bit more for those families that could really use that little bit more. The PSA doesn’t know who those families are. We don’t ask. We’ve relied on teachers to share with the Principal which children could be helped by the PSA. We raise the money and provide a cash gift to about 20 families of about $25.

We are also holding a virtual book fair. If you have some lightly used books that you’d like to pass on to some new children to enjoy, there will be a box set up at the school for you to drop off those books you’d like to share. If you’d prefer to donate money instead of books, we have a CheddarUp fund raiser set up for that.

So, head over to the Fundraising link and click on the Special Fund Raising events link Special Fund Raising Events and pick a fund raiser!